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Love thyself; Love thy brand

27 Nov

Any successful businessperson will tell you that they have to authentically believe in the product they offer. Every product has features and benefits, as well as weaknesses and flaws.

In marketing we “tell the better” story. For example if we are marketing Coke, we talk about how it is “the pause that refreshes” not the drink that is full of sugar.

In personal branding – YOU are the product. In order to have a successful business, you need to LOVE the product, you represent – YOURSELF!

As simple as this may sound, many Solopreneurs (solo-entrepreneurs) have a lot of trouble talking about them without apology.  This happens for several reasons. Many of us have been taught at an early age that it is not good to “toot your own horn. We have also been instructed that it is rude to talk about yourself and even worse to talk about yourself in a positive manner. These old beliefs hinder your ability to present yourself in a dynamic, confident manner. When you operate under such a belief system you greatly hinder your ability to have the kind of success you deserve and desire.

Solopreneurs are afraid that they will sound like they are selling themselves. If you can change your belief and know that you have something of value to offer (and YOU DO!) you are then simply letting people know what you do in case they need your help. There is no selling needed. In fact, if you fail to let those you come in contact with know what you do, you are doing them a great disservice.

Next time you introduce yourself remember to do it with pride. Speak clearly, with authority. Leave the apology and self-deprecating attitude behind. You will become instantly more attractive and may even hear the three little words we all long to hear – tell me more!

It’s your brand shout about it!

What Can You Do to Solve the Problem?

10 Nov

Most of the time people are more than willing to tell you what can’t be done and why it can’t be done, specifically and in detail. However, the same person doesn’t offer up any solutions of what CAN be done. Or worst yet, many people are willing to accept, without a protest or contest, defeat.  This “Oh well!” attitude is expensive. Are we all really that willing to give up at the first sign of difficultly? Are you? Do you ever ask yourself what you can do to solve the problem?

When you live in a deadline driven world, like I do, where excuses are not acceptable you learn to be resourceful. The magazine doesn’t care that the client changed their mind fourteen times, they still need the art for your ad before the deadline. If you don’t want to pay for a blank page, you had better get your art in.  End of story.

This willingness to give up is even more baffling when you consider the plethora of resources we all have available at our fingertips. If there is even a hint of a solution, a quick internet search will confirm or deny the suspicion. Chances are the problem you are having, others have had too.

The next time you find yourself explaining to your clint, boss, husband, child, mother, vendor, what you can’t do. Take the next step and offer up what you CAN do to solve the problem, make the situation better, make things easier in the future, etc. Better yet, offer several solutions, with details and options. You’ll be the hero, even if they don’t act on any of them.

Being a problem solver will make you more valuable, and you may even be called a lifesaver!

5 Deadly Reasons that Black is Killing You – Part 5

23 Oct

Deadly Reason #5: Black is killing your digital brochure

Since the invention of the pdf, digital brochure and all kinds of sales material fly across the world as email attachments or downloads. If you are using large solid areas of black you instantly put up a resistance to printing the document out. You alarm your potential client with a refrain in their brain that goes something like this “Wow, if I print this out it is going to burn thought all of my black ink.” I think I will skim through it and see if there is a page worth printing or skip it. You may rethink your digital brochure; because what looks good as a physical printed bound brochure you hand someone might not be a practical, usable document to send digitally.

Color counts. Stay tuned for more on the color black.

5 Deadly Reasons that Black is Killing You – Part 4

23 Oct

Deadly Reason #4: Black is killing you in print.

If you use large areas of black with white or colored type in your brochures and other printed material be aware that it could be fatal to your communications. Reversed type is 50% harder to read then dark type on a light background. When you use a serif font and/or small type it amplifies the readability problem. If your audiences are 40 or over chances are they literally will be unable to read your material and will move on.

The same readability issues occur online with websites, blogs or pages with where you are using black, or dark backgrounds, with white or colored type on them.

Color counts. Stay tuned for more on the color black.

5 Deadly Reasons that Black is Killing You – Part 3

11 Sep

Deadly Reason #3: Black is killing networking opportunities.

Next time you are at a conference or large meeting look around. You’ll be in the midst of a sea of people all wearing dark colors, primarily black.  It’s like being at one ginormous funeral service. Look for the speaker. Chances are they will be wearing a bright color, like red. They intentionally dress to stand out.

Think of what adding some color to your outfit would do for you at your next networking event. You will be instantly more recognizable, for example: “You need to meet the gal over there in the red dress” is a much easier direction to follow than “You need to meet the blonde gal over there.” It also gives you a talking point when you follow up, for example: “I was the one in the red dress.”

If the thought of adding color to your black on black wardrobe leaves you as cold as a gravedigger, you should consider “getting your colors done.” This is a method of defining which colors are the most flattering for you. This approach to color was first popularized in the 80s, when the book Color Me Beautiful came out.

Professional stylists still use this approach. Most Image or Fashion Consultants offer this service at a reasonable cost, for both men and woman.

The first three people, in Los Angeles, who contact me will receive a FREE color analysis worth value $149.99.

Color counts. Stay tuned for more on the color black.

5 Deadly Reasons that Black is Killing You – Part 2

5 Sep Black is Killing Me

Deadly Reason #2: Black is killing your looks.

The harsh reality is when you wear a black top you look severe and unfriendly compared to when you wear a color or even white. If you are female and over 40, this is doubly true.

If you wear your dark hair long it will blend into your top, which makes you just one big black form from the waist up. If your skin is light, and you wear a black top it makes you look paler by comparison. Plus you run the risk of looking like a “talking head.” If you have dark skin you can really end up looking like one, big, dark shape.

Luckily there is an immediate and quick fix. Simply start wearing lighter or more colorful tops. Even a bright scarf, necklace or necktie will help. You will instantly look younger and friendlier. After you give up the ominous black look, you will become more approachable. You may even feel lighter!

Color counts. Stay tuned for more on the color black.

People fear public speaking, death and a white piece of paper.

20 Aug

Here is your assignment: Write about anything! Write any length in any format on any subject or subject. It is wide open and it is all up to you. Take all the time you need or want. That’s a pretty frightening order, isn’t it?

This is exactly what most people face when they go to post online. They have no idea what to say or why they should be saying it in the first place. They write about their kids, express their scorn or post funny pictures of themselves dancing with a bear in Cabo. Or they write nothing. After all, the confused mind says “no.”

When you know what your Personal Brand is, what your topics are, what your tone of voice is and know what business you’re in you have a basis, a platform, to talk from. A position, if you will. You have a lens to view the world through.

Take anything, say the word “white.” As a creative designer I might choose to talk about how white is the greatest background color because it is the most forgiving and the most versatile. And how it is the most used. I might compare and contrast it with black as a background color.

A graphic designer might talk about all the different whites available in papers from a cool whites to warm whites.

A chief might talk about egg whites.
A fashion designer when to wear white
A businessman talk about White papers
An accountant white collar crime
A dentist about white teeth
A teacher about white index cards

And then there is all kinds of other white things, such as:
White vinegar
White noise
White hot
White roses
White knight
White house
White space
White light
White elephant
White symbolism

Now add a form or format – a 160 character tweet, a 300 word blog, an article, a book, a page, a paragraph.

If I now say to you write two paragraphs on the word white, could you do it? I’ll make it easier – you have 15 minutes!